Financial Management

Nated Diploma Programmes


Financial Management enables the prospective student to record accounting information manually and electronically. Neatness, orderliness, thoroughness, accuracy, sound judgment and a sense of responsibility are the characteristics needed for this field of study.


How to Apply

Application for Nated Diploma Programmes is done a year ahead of the intended year of study for Semester 1.

Semester 2 applications open in April/May and classes commence in July after the semester break.

Minimum Entry Requirements

Students intending to pursue any one of the Nated Diploma Programmes need to be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate or be currently be in grade 9/10/11/12 during the year of application. Minimum entry requirements are as follows.

School of Business

A student must have a minimum of 23 combined points (points must exclude Life Orientation) in order to be considered in any of the Business Studies programmes.

School Of Engineering

A student needs to have 40% and above for both Mathematics and Physical Sciences in order to be considered for this programme. Please note that students with Mathematical literacy will not be considered for Engineering no matter the percentage pass.


Nated Programmes consist of theoretical and Practical component. The student undergo 3 levels of the theoretical component for a period of 18 months, namely N4, N5 and N6. Upon Completion of each of these levels the student will receive a certificate. Each of the levels takes 6 months to complete. Students will only be issued a National Diploma Certificate on completion of both Theoretical and Practical Components. The Practical Component requires students to go for Work Based Experience. Students will are expected to go to the workplace for practicals shadowing officials/ practitioners within their field of study. The students need to complete 18 months in the workplace. A workbook will be issued out to students going for Work Based Experience and the workbook must be completed and signed by both the student and their allocated supervisor every week.

Class Attendance

The college has a zero tolerance policy to poor and non-class attendance. Students need to inform their lectures if they will be absent from class, this is extremely important as poor or non-attendance could lead to serious consequences. Students need to familiarise themselves with the class attendance policy so as to avoid unsympathetic consequences.


Students will undergo a National Examination for each of the subjects they have registered, lecturers and Examination officers at each campus will notify students about examination application processes. Students must familiarise themselves with the examination policies and always adhere to the examination rules and regulations.

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